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Our drill operators have stated that cutting cores appears to be faster and easier with the new PR Diamond bit. And we have noticed an improvement in core barrel life. With the bits we had been using previously, we were able to cut approximately 25 to 30 cores before we needed to change out core barrels. With PR Diamond bits, we have been able to cut 45 cores and the bit seems to still be going strong. Although the PR Diamond bits are more expensive initially than the Hoffman bits, we are finding that the bits we get from PR Diamond are more cost effective and make for better cutting.

Wayman E. Roberson
Division Supervisor

Sometime ago I took on jobs building patios with very large and thick pieces of sandstone. These stones were 6 to 8 inches thick and had to be cut and fit very close together. I didn't think this would be much of a problem until I tried to cut them with a brand 'X' blade. The first blade lasted about 4 hours and cost $400.00. The second brand 'X' blade cost about the same and lasted about 2 days. Now I knew I was in trouble! Then I ordered PR Diamond's 710 blade. That blade cut all of the job and the next job and is still cutting! Your motto of 'one blade and we got ya' is absolutely true!

Walter Barkley
Barkley Excavation

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United Rentals Logo

I would just like to say that I have had great success with the PR Diamond line from day-one. The blades are a little more expensive than the competition, but the quality proves the difference. Our customers have been extremely pleased with the performance as well on the rental side. The average charge to the customer has dropped considerably and I am also getting longer life on them. PR Diamond blades are our go to blades. As a rental company we need blades that will withstand the beating they get from continual use by our customers. PR Diamond blades accomplishes this for us!

Derrick B.
Store Manager
United Rentals